NCSD Southland WWTP Improvements Phase 1 Project
NCSD Southland WWTP Improvements Phase 1 Project
Nipomo Community Service District (NCSD), located in southern San Luis Obispo County, required substantial upgrades to their existing Wastewater Treatment Plant in order to accommodate the anticipated future flow demands of approximately 1.7 MGD and to improve the quality of the plant effluent. NCSD contracted Cushman Contracting Corporation based on their qualifications and low bid. The upgrades consisted of several buried structures, such as two clarifier systems and two pump stations. This required Cushman to excavate close to a million cubic yards of soil to provide invert access to these structures. Nearly 4,000 cubic yards of concrete and 12,000 linear feet of pipe were installed. Other structures that were completed at the facility were the influent pump station, headworks, aeration basins, sludge thickener, MCC Building, RAS/WAS pump station, and sludge drying beds.