City of San Luis Obispo WRF Cogeneration System Upgrades
City of San Luis Obispo WRF Cogeneration System Upgrades
The ESCO Project provided energy savings across the San Luis Obispo Water Reclamation Facility with a grant from PG&E. The heart of the energy savings came from the installation of a new methane gas recovery/cogeneration system. A new addition to the Dewatering Building was also constructed to house a Screw Press, Sludge Feed Pumps and corresponding Chemical Feed Systems. The Headworks channels were renovated, two new Barscreens with corresponding washers and compactors were installed. Two new Grit Separators and corresponding pumps were furnished and installed, which required substantial structural and mechanical modifications. RAS Pumps Modifications included the furnishing and installation of new motors, VFD’s and magnetic flow meters. The existing Filter Towers were renovated which consisted of demolishing the existing filter media and underdrain system and installing a new Leopold Filter and underdrain system.